Incoming seed is examined to determine embryo count to help decide how much seed should be sown, and/or which capsule would be the best to sow. Permanent sample slides are also prepared. Each separate package of seed is examined because these are generally from separate capsules, which is what we request from our donors.
TN1574 Number of capsules harvested: 2
Seed Assay Number:
Packet Code Number:
Harvest date:
Received as:
Dry seed
Date Received:
Number of Capsules Combined:
Seed is yellow to the naked eye, and somewhat fluffy. Medium sized seeds are long and thin, have hooked ends, and have moderately small sized egg-shaped embryos irregularly placed which are 2/3 the length of the seed. Seeds with bad or no embryos are much smaller.
Seeds that appeared to have
good embryos, by count: