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Established Seedlings of
Cryptopus elatus 'Rosy Dawn Too' × 'Ivoire'
Number: TN8630
Name: Cryptopus elatus 'Rosy Dawn Too' × 'Ivoire'
Type: outcross    (What's that?)
Seed Donor: Ms Cynthia Hill
Click to Enlarge
Pollen Parent Flower
Click to Enlarge
Pollen Parent Inflorescence
Culture Notes from Donor: Pollen parent plant: I grow this plant mounted on a forked (fork is up) hardwood stick about 1-2 inches in diameter, 2-3 feet long, gently attached with monofilament or fine bonsai wire, with a few strands of New Zealand sphagnum added when the plant was getting established. Use a mount that is adequate for future growth; the plant can reach 3-4 ft. Use Tillandsia/Spanish moss to loosely drape over the lower third of the plant, to maintain humidity and provide the numerous aerial roots something to weave through. Some roots will attach to the mount, but about half do not. Temperature range: 54°F winters up to 100°F summer at the extremes, otherwise Intermediate to Warm. Dappled bright light. Water every day in growth season, every second to third day in winter. Humidity above 50%. Good air movement essential. Regular fertilizer, as for other orchids. New growths emerge from the base of the plant.
For more details, refer to my article on Cryptopus paniculatus, June 2012 issue of AOS ORCHIDS magazine; I grow these species next to each other.
Comments: Pollen parent plant: This monopodial species is native to Mauritius and Reunion, where it grows low on trees in moderate light. Vine-like growth with aerial roots, it can reach 4-5 feet or longer. Bears 7-12 elegant, scalloped white flowers, sometimes flushed with pink, that last 3-4 weeks. Medium-sized plant.

Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species:   Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter: days average 87°F, nights 64°F; best fit is Warm-Intermediate 87-64°F (Source: C. Hill pers comm)

About the name...
Etymology of elatus   From Latin "elatus" stately, handsome, large. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Pronunciation of elatus   e-LAH-tus (Source: Todd Durboraw)
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ESTABLISHED SEEDLINGS of these are not currently available, but we have some maturing in the greenhouse and expect to offer them in the future. There are 6 items with 1 plant per item that will be considered for sale later.

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