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Flasks of
Cypripedium californicum (Endicott group) -spontaneous
Number: TN3255
Name: Cypripedium californicum (Endicott group) -spontaneous
Type: spontaneous    (What's that?)
Seed Donor: Phillip W. Endicott  (Email:
Donor's home page:
No Photos Available
Culture Notes from Donor: Parent plant: Grows on steep rocky hillsides in the seep areas. The books all so tell us that it likes to grow in oak leaf duff. What it fails to say is that many times that is poison oak duff!
Comments: These capsules came from plants that grow wild near my home. Reportedly a very rare species. Do NOT attempt to collect them from the wild as very few have ever been transplanted and successfully grown.

Parent plant: Small plants.
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.

Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species:   Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 54°F, nights 39°F; best fit is Cold 58-38°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Species:   Winter: days average 44°F, nights 29°F; best fit is Frigid 46-28°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)

About the name...
Etymology of californicum   From Latin "californicus" from California. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Etymology of Cypripedium   From Greek "Kypris" Aphrodite; "pedilon" shoe. (Source: Pridgeon 1992)
Pronunciation of californicum   kal-i-FOR-ni-kum (Source: Hawkes 1978)
Pronunciation of Cypripedium   sip-re-PEE-dee-um (Source: Pridgeon 1992)
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Flask Information
Availability: There were problems with this item and we weren't able to make any viable flasks.
You should: Consider placing a "Notify Retries" Request, and if an identical pollination (the same parents) is done again, we'll let you know.
You might also want to: View the seed assay for this item.
View items of the same species.
View items of the same genus.

The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker

The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.

ORIGIN/HABITAT: California and Oregon. Distribution extends from the extreme southwestern tip of Oregon into northern California to as far south as Marin County and eastward almost the Nevada border. Most collections, however, have been made in the extreme northwestern coastal section of California, and many of the populations further south have destroyed by development and collectors. Plants have been found at elevations of 1500-5250 ft. (450-1600 m), always in wet, marshy places. The grow beside steep mountain streams around springs and water seepages, and their roots are always found in running water that percolates through the substrate. Plants usually grow in areas of weathered Serpentine and are often found growing with Darlingtonia californica (the carnivorous pitcher plant).
More about this information and the Bakers...

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