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Established Seedlings of
Epidendrum conopseum var. mexicanum 'Buenaventura' × self
Number: TN7669
Name: Epidendrum conopseum var. mexicanum 'Buenaventura' × self
Type: self    (What's that?)
Seed Donor: Kelly Williams
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Pod Parent Flower
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Pod Parent Blooming Plant
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.

Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species:   Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 87°F, nights 74°F; best fit is Warm 90-70°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Species:   Winter: days average 59°F, nights 44°F; best fit is Cool-Cold 64-44°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)

About the name...
Etymology of conopseum   From latinized Greek "conopseus" like a mosquito. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Etymology of Epidendrum   From Greek "epi" upon; "dendron" tree. (Source: Pridgeon 1992)
Pronunciation of conopseum   ko-NOP-see-um (Source: Hawkes 1978)
Pronunciation of Epidendrum   eh-pee-DEN-drum (Source: Pridgeon 1992)
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ESTABLISHED SEEDLINGS of these are not currently available, but we have some maturing in the greenhouse and expect to offer them in the future. There are 0 items with plants per item that will be considered for sale later.

Click here to see if we have flasks available.

The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker

The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.

ORIGIN/HABITAT: Southeastern United States and northeastern Mexico. In the United States, this orchid has been found throughout most of Florida north of a line from Tampa to Palm Beach. Distribution continues northward near the Atlantic Coast as far as North Carolina and westward near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, reaching almost to the Texas border. Plants commonly grow high on the large limbs of deciduous trees, and very large colonies frequently occur. In the habitat, however, plants frequently are quite inconspicuous and difficult to find even when in full flower as they often grow among ferns. The variety mexicanum is found in Mexico and was originally reported from the state of Morelos. Since that time, plants have not been found south of the state of San Luis Potosí in spite of intensive searching, but collections have been made in the states of Nuevo Léon, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosí. The Mexican plants mostly grow as epiphytes in open oak forests at 3300-4600 ft. (1000-1400 m), but they are occasionally found growing as lithophytes.
More about this information and the Bakers...

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