Flasks of
Disa uniflora 'Sunrise' × self |
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Pod Parent Flower |
Culture Notes from Donor: Parent plant: Temperature range C (52-70°F). Wonderful cold-growing terrestrial. Keep the pot in one inch of water at all times . The plants' roots needs night time temperatures in the 50°Fs or lower to thrive. This is critical . Water with refrigerated distilled water.
Comments: Parent plant: Small plant.
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of
Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.
Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species: |
Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 77°F, nights 58°F; best fit is Cool-Intermediate 75-58°F
Baker's Web OSC) |
For Species: |
Winter: days average 63°F, nights 45°F; best fit is Cool-Cold 64-44°F
Baker's Web OSC) |
About the name...
Etymology of |
Disa |
Queen Disa, in Swedish mythology.
Pridgeon 1992) |
Etymology of |
uniflora |
From Latin "unus" one; "Flora" goddess of flowers.
Brown 1956) |
Pronunciation of |
Disa |
Pridgeon 1992) |
Pronunciation of |
Disa |
Hawkes 1978) |
Pronunciation of |
uniflora |
Hawkes 1978) |
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Flask Information |
Availability: |
There were problems with this item and we weren't able to make any viable flasks. |
You should: |
Consider placing a "Notify Retries" Request, and if an identical pollination (the same parents) is done again, we'll let you know. |
You might also want to:
View the seed assay for this item.
View items of the same species.
View items of the same genus. |
The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker
The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.
ORIGIN/HABITAT: South Africa. This terrestrial orchid is common along
streams, near waterfalls, and in seepages along cliffs near Cape Town in
the southwestern part of Cape Province. These plants are always associated
with permanent, flowing water, growing in black peat-based soil, deep
sand, or moss beside streams and in rock crevices with its roots firmly
established in moving water. Plants form dense colonies along streams
above the midsummer water level, but with high water resulting from heavy
winter rains, they may be completely submerged. Plants grow in acid
conditions with a pH of 5-6 and can not tolerate water with a
concentration of salts greater than 200 parts per million. Plants are
found most often in full sun but grow in conditions ranging from full
shade to full sun at elevations of 350-3950 ft. (100-1200 m)
More about this information and the Bakers... |