Cultivar Details for Cattleya praestans 'SB Orchid Estate' |
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Comments: |
Medium-sized plant. The donor bought the plant in October 2021 from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. It blooms reliably on multiple leads in both Fall and Spring each year. |
Donor's culture notes: |
Temperature range Warm-Intermediate 87-64°F, cooler season Intermediate 83-60°F. The plant is grown indoors under full-spectrum LED lights, but also receives filtered light through a west window. Humidity is generally over 50 percent, but sometimes drops below 40 percent during Winter. I water the plant with reverse osmosis water supplemented with K-Lite fertilizer nearly every day. Basketed with rock. |
Unique ID: |
(this will not change even if any part of the name should change) |
If you are the donor and you wish to edit any details or add photos, please click here. |
Propagation Efforts Involving This Plant
TN9445 |
'SB Orchid Estate' × 'MC8155' |
(Pol. Dec 2021) -- Germinated: reserve flasks |