If you would like to direct someone to this web page, please copy and paste this URL into your email: http://troymeyers.com/about?Remember-Login
FAQ: What is the purpose of "Remember my login information" in the Log In box? |
Question: What is the purpose of "Remember my login information" in the Log In box?

Answer: This feature gives you three options for how your web browser behaves when you return to the site later to log in.
If you select "No!" then you will need to retype your email address and password to log in. This is recommended if you are using a public computer or one with several users.
If you select "Remember email" then your email address will be pre-entered into that box so you don't have to retype it. You will still have to type your password. This is recommended when you don't mind someone using your computer seeing your email address, but you don't want someone to be able to casually log in for you.
If you select "Remember email & password" then you only need to click the "Log In" button to log in. This is appropriate if you are the sole user of the computer.
Please note that some web browsers have a feature where they will remember and fill in log-in information for you. This behavior is independent of our feature.