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Flasks of
Bletilla ochracea 'Adelain's Chasus' CCM/AOS -spontaneous
Number: TN9244
Name: Bletilla ochracea 'Adelain's Chasus' CCM/AOS -spontaneous
Type: spontaneous    (What's that?)
Seed Donor: Charles G. Wilson  (Email:
No Photos Available
Culture Notes from Donor: Parent plant: Temperature range Warm 90-70°F, cooler season Frigid 46-28°F. Potted in potting soil. Allowed to go dormant in Winter and lose leaves; kept fairly dry in garage where temps went as low as 25 F; blooms markedly later than Bletilla striata.
Comments: Spontaneous selfing of four flowers occurred between 1 June and 25 June and were the only Bletills in bloom st the time.

Parent plant: This mid to late June blooming plant had 22 flowers on six inflorescences to 46 cm long in a 20-cm pot.
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.

Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species:   Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 77°F, nights 62°F; best fit is Cool-Intermediate 75-58°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Species:   Winter: days average 61°F, nights 42°F; best fit is Cool-Cold 64-44°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)

About the name...
Etymology of Bletilla   From Latin, small Bletia, from the similarity to the orchid genus Bletia. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Etymology of ochracea   From Latin "ochraceus" ochre-yellow. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Pronunciation of Bletilla   blet-IL-ah (Source: Hawkes 1978)
Pronunciation of ochracea   oh-KRA-see-ah (Source: Hawkes 1978)
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Flask Information
Availability: Capsules have been harvested, and we are waiting for germination.
You should: Make a notification request now.
When this germinates, we'll let you know, and you can reserve a flask at that time if you like. Your notification request serves as a place-holder in line for flasks later, so it's best if you place the notification request as early as possible. If you wait, you'll be further down in line for flasks.
Expected Flask Price: $40.00 per flask of 25 (min.) plants
You might also want to: View the seed assay for this item.
View items of the same species.
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The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker

The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.

ORIGIN/HABITAT: China. This terrestrial orchid is distributed in southern Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces as well as in the provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. Plants grow in rocky and grassy places in open forests and along valleys at 2950-7850 ft. (900-2400 m). This orchid is found in the same type of habitat in many of the same regions as Bletilla striata (Thunberg ex Murray) Rchb. f., but usually at somewhat lower elevations. We would, therefore, expect Bletilla ochracea to be not quite as cold-hardy as Bletilla striata.
More about this information and the Bakers...

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