Seeds of TN5044 Pleurothallis avenacea 'Halcyon' × '#2' |
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Incoming seed is examined to determine embryo count to help decide how much seed should be sown, and/or which capsule would be the best to sow. Permanent sample slides are also prepared. Each separate package of seed is examined because these are generally from separate capsules, which is what we request from our donors.
Number of capsules harvested: 2
Seed Assay Number: |
3727 |
Packet Code Number: |
1A03727LL |
Harvest date: |
07/13/2005 |
Received as: |
Dry seed |
Date Received: |
07/27/2005 |
Number of Capsules Combined: |
2 |
Comments: |
Packet received was a folded coffee filter.
Seed appears clean and debris-free.
Seed is light yellow to the naked eye, and free flowing. Only a small quantity of seed was received, so no sample was taken in order to conserve it. The shape and color of the seeds suggests that they have embryos. |
Photo is of dry seed in the packet.
Photographed with reflected light.
Scale 1 mm or 0.040 inches
Photo by Lacey Powell