Flasks of
Caularthron bilamellatum 'MC7057' -spontaneous |
Number: |
TN8890 |
Name: |
Caularthron bilamellatum 'MC7057' -spontaneous
Type: |
spontaneous (What's that?) |
Click to Enlarge

Pod Parent Flower |
Culture Notes from Donor: Parent plant: Temperature range Intermediate 83-60°F. Try to keep it drier during the winter months. Potted in a mix of clay pellets and coconut husk.
Comments: Parent plant: Medium-sized plant.
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of
Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.
Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Species: |
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter: days average 87°F, nights 75°F; best fit is Warm 90-70°F
Baker's Web OSC) |
About the name...
Etymology of |
bilamellatum |
From Latin "bilamellatus" with two ledges.
Mayr & Schmucker 1998) |
Etymology of |
Caularthron |
From latinized Greek "kaulos" stem or trunk; "arthron" limb, articulate. The bulbs grow tightly, one after the other, the connecting rhizome remains virtually invisible. Not a very declarative name
Mayr & Schmucker 1998) |
Pronunciation of |
bilamellatum |
Hawkes 1978) |
Pronunciation of |
Caularthron |
Hawkes 1978) |
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Flask Information |
Availability: |
We have sold all of the flasks for this item. |
You should: |
Consider getting individual plants or compots instead of a flask. See if we have plants available in the greenhouse. |
Yield Estimate: |
278 plants (based on flask surveys done 11/05/2020 through 07/29/2021)
Plantlet Sizes: |
From many flasks 20 - 80 mm plants (based on flask surveys done 09/07/2021 through 08/04/2022)
From one most recently surveyed flask 20 - 70 mm (08/04/2022)
You might also want to:
View the seed assay for this item.
See if we have plants available in the greenhouse.
View items of the same species.
View items of the same genus. |
Ordering Information |
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The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker
The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.
ORIGIN/HABITAT: Belize, southeastern Guatemala, Central America,
Venezuela, Colombia, Trinidad, and northwestern Ecuador. Although plants
are distributed over a very large area, they are uncommon throughout much
of their range, particularly in northern Central America, but they are
more common in other parts of the habitat. In Guatemala and Belize, plants
are found in swamps and wet forests at low elevations up to 500 ft. (150
m). In Nicaragua, plants grow in tall evergreen forests, open pastures,
and on fence rows from sea level to 1650 ft. (0–500 m). In Costa Rica,
plants are abundant in dry forests on both the Pacific and Caribbean side
of the dividing mountains. In Panama, they are reported near Chiriquí
Lagoon and in open woods east of Panama City as well as several other
locations. Plants are common in the valley around Caracas and throughout
northern Venezuela. In Ecuador, plants are found near the northwest coast
in Esmeraldas Province, where they grow in dry tropical forests below 150
ft. (50 m).
More about this information and the Bakers... |