Flasks of
Encyclia allemanii 'MC7511' × self |
Number: |
TN8830 |
Name: |
Encyclia allemanii 'MC7511' × self
Type: |
self (What's that?) |
No Photos Available
About the name...
Etymology of |
allemanii |
Named for Francisco Freire Allemão Cisneros, Brazilian botanist of the 2nd half of the 20th century, who collected in northeast Brazil and was the director of the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro.
Mayr & Schmucker 1998) |
Etymology of |
Encyclia |
From Greek "enkyklein" to surround, in reference to the lip enclosing the column.
Pridgeon 1992) |
Pronunciation of |
Encyclia |
Pridgeon 1992) |
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Flask Information |
Availability: |
Capsules have been harvested, and we are waiting for germination. |
You should: |
Make a notification request now. When this germinates, we'll let you know, and you can reserve a flask at that time if you like. Your notification request serves as a place-holder in line for flasks later, so it's best if you place the notification request as early as possible. If you wait, you'll be further down in line for flasks. |
Expected Flask Price: |
$40.00 per flask of 25 (min.) plants
You might also want to:
View the seed assay for this item.
View items of the same species.
View items of the same genus. |
Ordering Information |
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