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Flasks of
Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata 'Prem's Scarlet' × self
Number: TN5074
Name: Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata 'Prem's Scarlet' × self
Type: self    (What's that?)
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Pod Parent Inflorescence
Culture Notes from Donor: Parent plant: This is a deciduous terrestrial native to parts of Florida. It needs warm, very bright, very wet conditions when growing and cool, drier conditions when dormant (the above-ground portion will die off with the first frost of the year in mid-November). Watering in March-April will induce growth of the flower spikes, which are then followed by the annual growth.
Comments: Parent plant: Large plant.
For additional origin/habitat information supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker, see further below, near the bottom of this page.

Temperatures we attempt to use in the lab & greenhouse:
For Infraspecies:   Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 90°F, nights 73°F; best fit is Warm 90-70°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Infraspecies:   Winter: days average 71°F, nights 53°F; best fit is Cool 70-52°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Species:   Spring, Summer, Autumn: days average 90°F, nights 73°F; best fit is Warm 90-70°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)
For Species:   Winter: days average 71°F, nights 53°F; best fit is Cool 70-52°F (Source: Baker's Web OSC)

About the name...
Etymology of lanceolata   From Latin "lanceolatus" forming a small lance head, a small lace shaped point. (Source: Mayr & Schmucker 1998)
Etymology of Sacoila   From latinized Greek "sakkos" sack, bag; "koilos" hollow. Referring to the hollow spur which is formed by the fused petals. (Source: Hawkes 1978)
Pronunciation of lanceolata   lan-see-oh-LA-ta (Source: Hawkes 1978)
Pronunciation of Sacoila   sak-OY-la (Source: Hawkes 1978)
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Flask Information
Availability: We had yield problems with this item, so we didn't continue flasking it.
You should: Consider placing a "Notify Retries" Request, and if an identical pollination (the same parents) is done again, we'll let you know.
You might also want to: View the seed assay for this item.
View items of the same species.
View items of the same genus.

The origin/habitat information below is supplied courtesy of Charles and Margaret Baker

The following information is based on the name of the plant provided by the donor, and assumes that the name is correct. If the plant has been misidentified, then the following information may not be correct.
This text is copyrighted by the Bakers and may not be reproduced without permission.

ORIGIN/HABITAT: ORIGIN/HABITAT: This is a common and variable species that is widely distributed from Florida through the Caribbean Islands and the remainder of tropical and subtropical North and South America to as far south as southeastern Brazil. In Florida, plants are more abundant in the central part of the state, with occurrence less common northward to the Georgia border and southward to the Florida Keys. In Peru, Schweinfurth (1958-1961) reported that Spiranthes orchioides (Swartz) Richard was found in the department of Cuzco below Machu-Picchu where it was growing on dry granite slopes at 6900 ft. (2100 m), and plants were also found in the department of Junín at 1950 ft. (600 m) where they were growing on a "sandy brushy river flat."
More about this information and the Bakers...

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