Cultivar Details for Pleione formosana (Novotny group) |
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Comments: |
This group is probably a mix of genetically different individuals. To make a short story long, I first acquired these plants in San Francisco in the mid-seventies and despite mishaps have kept them going ever since. I've always kept them outside. In the mid-eighties in Portland there was a hard freeze with temperatures in the low single digits when I lost all of the big bulbs but the tiniest pips survived. Interesting, that. Somewhere along the line I have a now dim recollection of acquiring more. I think. Also, early on I had noticed that there was variation among the many plants but haven't looked that closely in a long time. They're just garden plants now.
Every few years they need to be lifted and de-clumped. This sets them back a bit and it takes a couple years before they put on a spectacular show. I would note here that they must be mulched for the winter and the mulch must be removed in February because these Pleiones don't push up through heavy cover and will actually spread their leaves and attempt to flower nevertheless. They are planted in good garden soil. |
Donor's culture notes: |
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