Cultivar Details for Tuberolabium kotoense '#2' |
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Comments: |
This is a small-growing plant that produces many small white and red flowers. It is incredibly fragrant during the day. This is the true Tuberolabium kotoense. This species and Tub. quisumbingii are commonly mixed up, but Tub. quisumbingii is a larger plant and flower. |
Donor's culture notes: |
(none provided) |
Unique ID: |
(this will not change even if any part of the name should change) |
If you are the donor and you wish to edit any details or add photos, please click here. |
Propagation Efforts Involving This Plant
TN5702 |
'#2' × self |
(Pol. Oct 2005) -- Seed not viable- failed more info |